Monday, August 3, 2009

Ashtanga Yoga is a Vinyasa system that works with the synchronization of deep, rhythmic breathing and movement. By linking the postures it creates a continuous flow of energy that heats up the body, bringing oxygen to the blood, nourishment to the glands and organs and a detoxification process to the nervous system. The Sunday morning Ashtanga class will focus on balance, flexibility and body awareness.

Benefits of Yoga:

Enhances flexibility, circulation and detoxification
Increases strength, endurance and clarity of mind
Burns fat, lowers blood pressure and calms nerves
Reduces stress, anxiety and depression
Improves balance and coordination
Prepares the body for a wide range of physical activity


Why do I ????

Ouch!!! I am sore.
China was not the best hing for my practice.
I tried Tai Chi- and stretced when I felt like it.
But I didn't do yoga much on my trip.
Back into the routine... I like it, being sore.
I like to breathe
to be
to teach
and to move.

So, that's why I do.

I was asked why I do yoga, and I had to take a moment to think about it.. I know that I do it because I like it.
That isn't just it.

I smile whenever I do it.. When I teach it, it fullfills me.
Yoga- it means to bring together, a union. It is a task at hand
but any task you wish for

Bringing me to find connection with my body and my mind.

but it doesn't always have to be the same
Tough- sweaty
Meditative- calming

I find that when I do yoga, I experience something.
Something that I want to hold onto always.
Like mastering my own mind. Leaving the past, the future and just being.

That is hard for me. It is hard for me everytime I do yoga.
Everytime I leave a class, or my personal practice.

But it is a glorious thing to strive for.

I think that I am more pleasant to be around when I do yoga
I am easier to laugh
Not so.... defiant

I am happy...

Happy to do Yoga!